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Sunday, October 16, 2005

poor cubs fans

I am getting a huge kick out of the cubs fans in this city -- they are so bitter that the Sox are doing well. I was in a bar last night and there were cubs fans rooting against the sox. I wonder who they will cheer for if the Sox play the Cards in the series. I actually read a letter to the editor in the Tribune that said the coverage of the white sox was "over-the-top" and that the tribune should be designating one column a day to the progress of the renovation project at Wrigley. The guy was also pissed that Dusty's contract extension wasn't given more press. I don't know about anyone else, but I know I would much rather read about construction projects than a team who hasn't been in the series for more than 40
years. I didn't see the name on the bottom of the letter but I think the last name may have been Shearer.

go sox

You're the one posting about Cub fans when your team got in the World Series for the first time in 10,000 years. I would be focusing on that.

And no, I don't know what I'm going to do with this World Series. I mean, I'm typing this from a nuclear bunker--White Sox/Astros World Series? Are you kidding me? Hurricanes, flooding, earthquakes, wars...Sox/Astros?

If you don't think this is a sign of the second coming, I guess I'll see you on the other side and then see what you think.

All kidding aside, congrats, Napa. I cannot even imagine the thrill of having the Sox get there--a feeling that I am afraid I am getting even further away from feeling during our lifetimes. As much as it pains me to say this, I will be rooting for the White Sox. As much as I hate the White Sox, I hate the Asstros that much more. It may not be "Cub fan-like," but I think I hate the Asstros more than the Cardinals. So, good luck. It may be the wrong team, but at least there is FINALLY some baseball glory in Chicago.
The Astros are the most likeable team left, and I f-ing hate the Astros.

I do like Craig Biggio, however, so I will be rooting for him to win the World Series MVP. As for the rest of it, I couldn't care less, probably won't watch much.
To clairify, GA I made that post before the game was over last night. Or else I would have been talking about how sweet it it is that they are in the series.
Also, how freaking sweet is it that they had 4 complete games in a row. That is astonishing, especially in this era of baseball, with relievers, closers and such.
As far as Asstors or Cards, I don't really know who I would rather see. It doesn't really mater at this point, I am just pumped that they made it.
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