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Wednesday, April 12, 2006


Thanks to Websense, I'm no longer able to check the blog--let alone post anything on it. So I thought this would be a good time to throw some built up spew on here. On we go...

--I am excited about the Cubs so far. As long as Glendon Rusch is not pitching. Incredible speed on this team, I tell 'ya.

--Speaking of the Cubs, it is no longer "M-V-Lee!" It's "M-V-Barrett!" OK, that doesn't work too well. But Barrett, along with Ronny Cedeno, are going to have breakout years. Bank on it. (I also really like the rookie Angel Pagan. Uh, Jacque Jones? Take your time healing up that leg buddy--OK?)

--As I hear more and more about Brit-pop and punk from my new boss, the more I see and appreciate how hip-hop is similar. British kids grow up not just listening to what's on the radio. They have a true appreciation for American rock and roll--much more so than American kids, which is sad. British people, apparently, *love* the likes of Buddy Holly, the Beach Boys, B.B. King, etc. And you can hear this in their music. They are giant music snots over there because they are so well versed in classic rock and roll (whereas here, classic rock and roll means Z92 and the fucking Doobie Brothers). With "real" hip-hop (The Roots, Common, Blackstar, Kanye, etc.), they similarly worship at the altar of real, classic hip-hop. Innovators like ?uestlove of The Roots studies classic music--naturally, classic soul from the 60's, 70's and 80's, along with the originators of hip-hop (not to mention all types of other music: dude went to Juliard, what do you expect?). This is why groups like The Roots are so much more popular in England than the US--because English kids hear the craft and influence in their music. They get it. I've never understood why so much of the music I love (also included are English groups The Brand New Heavies and Jamiroquai) were so big in England, but barely a blip in the United States. The more I learn about English culture, the more I understand.

--Speaking of cool Brit kids, the Arctic Monkeys are still kicking ass, despite many plays of their new album. Hales: I don't know if I told you this, but I saw them in San Francisco! We should hang out sometime so I can tell you all about that show...

--Not too long ago, I was purchasing DayQuil at Target. I asked the girl working why I had to pick up a piece of cardboard and take it to the register and write down all my info before I got the package of cold-calming wonderfulness. I assumed it had something to do with making meth (I don't know???). Turns out they are including DayQuil/NyQuil with the likes of Sudifed because....high school kids are abusing it? Huh? Are high school kids that bored that they're taking too much DayQuil to see what happens? Hey kids: what happened to beer, cigarettes, and chew?

--Speaking of underage drinking: there was a PSA on 1620 The Zone stating Nebraska is #1 in the United States when it comes to underage drinking and teenage pregnacy. Now, I don't know how exactly this is quantified--per capita? Straight up?--but I've been working on some new state slogans:

"Nebraska: Where the kids get drunk and knocked up!"
"Nebraska: Who *doesn't* want to get drunk and have sex after a football game?"
"Nebraska: Home of conservative values!"
"Nebraska: Not just the cool kids get drunk and laid!"

Feel free to add more in the comments. But I know one thing: in no way is there any kind of direct relation between being number one in underage drinking and teenage pregnancy. No way.

--In no way does the "I'm Wayne Brady, bitch!" sketch ever get old. On a related note: the new Esquire has Dave Chappelle on the cover. Pretty good article on him in there. Also, Chuck Klosterman's column on loving Ethenol for no reason other than he thinks he should is priceless.

--On the subject of Ethenol: NBC Nightly News tonight had a story that part of the reason that gas prices are so high is because of--you guessed it--Ethenol. Apparently, it is extremely costly to inject this into normal, good old fashioned gasoline. I always have been a big fan of Chuck Hagel pushing minimum Ethenol levels in all gasoline nationwide, but I wonder if this great gesture for our state and environmentalism is misguided? If anyone wants to drop some futher knowledge on this, I'm sure there are tens of people like myself that are interested.

--I really hope I spelled "Ethenol" right, because I just typed it five times.

--Sounded like a great game between Nebraska and Iowa yesterday--a 13-inning thriller, with the good guys winning. I don't know what made me more excited in the world of college baseball last night: the fact that Nebraska won, the fact that Nebraska not only won but once again solidified my argument that Iowa completely sucks and Nebrsaka rules its pitiful existance, or that Creighton lost. I think I will go with Choice B.

You've been a great audience! Good night!

Let's just hope the 13 inning thriller in Iowa City doesn't hurt us this weekend. The team drove home on a bus after the game and were so tired yesterday that Anderson gave them the day off...not a good sign in my opinion. On the bright side Joba, Watson and GI Johnny all stayed home and didn't make the trip, so they should be rested.
It's Ethanol, jackass.
Nebraska Slogan-
La Tierra de ninos burracho.
What is your problem this week, Rick?
I'm confused. It's been an abnormally unproblematic week. Sorry.
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