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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

I would have never guessed it was possible...

...but the Ak-Sar-Ben people have taken their arrogance to new heights by petitioning the city council and state to extend the hours of In-Play, a downtown bar, after their annual gala to 3 a.m.

Don't get me wrong, extending bar hours is a cause I can definitely get behind around here, but not for the same reasons as these aristocrats. If Hales, OC, and myself tried to do this for our own personal revelry it would go nowhere, which is what I anticipate will happen here. However, we've never actually tried it because we're not conceited bastards who clearly think that we're above the laws that EVERY OTHER CITIZEN IN THE STATE has to follow.

The fact that these self-important dicks have the balls to actually pitch this to the city council is abhorrent. Maybe the city council should give every citizen in this town the permission to break a law once a year, my exemption might go to taking a dump right on an Ak-Sar-Ben queen's yard.

If this passes, we immediately will need to petition city council with some sort of ridiculous request to stay out and get drunk all night.
Absolutely. I'll petition the city to extend Barrett's hours before our mini golf holiday in '07.
Nice catch, pete. The level of arrogance here is incredible...yet not suprising.
I'm for it.
deuce, you're for the elitist arrogance or for barrett's staying open all night before mini-golf adventure 07?
I think the answer to your question, Gage, is "yes".
Resoundingly yes.
I'll volunteer to do the dumping.
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