Wednesday, December 06, 2006
The Greatest Bar...Ever (?)

Their calling cards--besides the good (relatively normal) people and creepy ambiance--are as follows:
1. The offer puke insurance. If you think you're going to puke, pay the bartender $20, and they will clean it up for you. Because if you do not, you clean it yourself.
2. As you will see if you click on the link, some of their selling points include "Drink*Smoke*Gamble," "WE NEVER CLOSE," "Vivid chaotic and psychedelic murals covering every inch of walls and ceiling provide the backdrop, while disturbing videos come at you from all directions. Videos so insane they once made Timothy Leary turn blue (shortly before he actually turned blue)," etc. And, trust me, the videos are truly insane.
3. Their two signature drinks: Ass Juice and Bacon Martinis. And, as a special addition for the holiday season, Holiday Ass Juice! Ass Juice looks like it sounds--like someone peed out of their butt into a liquor bottle. And Holiday Ass Juice kicks it up a notch: the same ass-looking liquid with CREAM CORN added. The bartender told us that each bartender whips up a batch as their last duty on their shift, and they can put anything in it that they want as long as it is 1. 100% booze (unless you include cream corn) and 2. it does not include premium liquors. And what is weirder is that the result is something that tastes like a kamakazee--suprisingly sweet and good. As for the Bacon Martini...well, pretty self-explainitory. It is bacon-infused vodka (there are probably 12 strips of bacon just floating in the bottle), and they chill it and put it in a shitty old martini glass. And it tastes like you are drinking bacon. It's not so good. But damn funny.
4. The stickers are generally punk rock and cool, but one sealed the deal for me personally: I *heart* Mormon Pussy. Yes, you read that right. And that is all it said. Wow.
Everything else in Vegas is pretty much the same, but at least I have somewhere to look forward to if I go there again. What a great bar.
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