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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's A Very Heavy Soul Christmas! (Re-post)

To say that this Christmas season is "conflicting" is quite an understatement.

This is, I would venture, most peoples' favorite time of the year--I know it certainly is mine. While it can be lost in the hustle and bustle of Christmas shopping, travel, and all the other things that come with getting ready for Christmas, the most important part of the season--religious meanings being put to the side for a moment--is taking time and being with friends and family.

However, as has been said ad naseum the past week, not everyone is going to be with their friends and family in the Metro this year. With the senseless murders of people in our community at Von Maur last week, it leaves a proud city with a heavy heart.

The incredibly slight silver lining to this is that I hope that people go into the Christmas season with a renewed appreciation for life and their friends and loved ones. And with that in mind, we hope to celebrate life and the season with all of our friends.

"It's a Very Heavy Soul Christmas" will be the first of hopefully many Christmas celebrations where we get to come together and celebrate friendship and all the ridiculous times we've had together with our friends. And of equal importance, have a chance to give back to our community at the same time.

Here's the crucial info:

Where: Barrett's Barleycorn. 4322 Leavenworth Street. Omaha, NE.
When: Sunday, December 23rd.
Time: 8:00 pm.
Cost: $5 at the door; ALL proceeds going to the United Way of the Midlands Von Maur Victims Fund.
Why would I come: Why wouldn't you? We've got Barrett's completely rented out to ourselves. There will be some free beer. It will be a great time for people to get together and have fun. And you're contributing to helping your community heal. So really what it comes down to is that you should feel awfully guilty for NOT coming.

We'll be sending out an e-vite sometime soon, as well, so you can pass it along to your friends.

So please join us at Barrett's December 23rd and help us celebrate life and friendship, and help out a great cause while you're at it.

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