Wednesday, April 09, 2008
Credit where credit's due

(bad times)
Anyway, before we get into the nuts and bolts of why the Huskers are dominating this year, let's first talk about Spitz sunflower seeds. To the Spitz company: fuck you. These seeds are garbage. I picked some up at a QT because that's all they carry for some damn reason, and I must have gotten the Cascade or Dawn flavour, because they tasted like soap at first, then didn't taste like anything. Jesus. I know better now. Although I do feel bad about this, because their website is really earnest and they appear to be nice people. Sorry about your shitty product, nice people.
Here are acceptable seed brands:
1. Herman's Nut House (biggest seeds, locally operated, no gimmicks)
2. Giants seeds (the official seed of the Minnesota Twins)
3. Jim Beam (for obvious reasons)
4. David (becuase sometimes the above brands can be scarce, and these are better than Fisher or Frito Lay)
Anyway, back to baseball. Here are the keys to the Husker season as I see it:
1. Johnny Dorn has been a guaranteed win on Fridays. I didn't see his resurgence coming. Thank god HGH is in good supply in Grand Island due to the horse industry.
2. Nick Sullivan and the Two Jakes have anchored a solid, unspectacular lineup.
3. Thad Weber's knuckle curve and mind-numbing accuracy. Plus he's from Friend, NE.
4. Solid defense, for the most part. With the exception of the Sunday game in Austin.
While there is still a ton of baseball to be played, this team would have to really fuck up to not host a regional. Congrats to the team and Coach A for having a kick ass first half, and let's go get em the rest of the way!
Labels: Co, Coach Mike Anderson, Domination of the Big 12, Nebraska Baseball, Shitty sunflower seeds
This team is living off of starting pitching right good that it's allowed us to move Dan Jennings to the pen and than dominate a mid-week game. Jennings would be a friday started for almost any other team in the conference not named Mizzou (although i have a sneaky suspicion that he is starting on Sunday and Pribanic is moving to the pen). Dorn and Weber have been outstanding and this team will go as far as they can take them.
BUTTTTTTTTTTTT....I'm encouraging everyone to temper their enthusiasm with this team, we have holes.
First of all this team is only hitting about .280 as team, that rarely gets it done in college baseball, we make up for that a little bit with a really good on base %, but come postseason play the bats had better be hot. Opitz, Abeita, Corriston, and Sullivan are doing well in the middle of the order right now, but DJ Belfonte had better get out of his funk in a hurry. His BA has dropped about 200 points over the last month, he's still the best offensive player on this team and he has to be the catalyst in the lead off spot,m without him we are a way below avg. offensive group.
The other hole is the pen....Zach Herr has been solid but we need Anderson and Nesseth to become lock down guys, if that happens this staff has a chance to go down as the best group NU has ever had...but right now (especially if Jennings moves back to the rotation) we just don't have lock down 8th and 9th innining type closers....that needs to develop if they want to make a run to Omaha.
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